Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Days pass by and am growing old and old…..

Can some body tell me…… What did I do??? What do I do now????

I started studying with lots of negligence & less of interest , but I prayed hard to score more and more marks….

Played a lot, to become the best, but failed to become the top in the lane.

Jumped into the life of profession but remained as a learner in every step of life…..

Thought one day love will change it…..will bring happiness in my life….
later realized grass is always green on the other side.

What supported me couldn’t ignore that support, because that is only family what I had.

Tried to commit but couldn’t manage to become a better boy friend than ex. One.

Heard many songs, watched many movies and felt top of the world until the movie effect was over.

Tried to reach on top but understood that there is no difference between the starting point and the zenith.

Completed lots of responsibilities, but got only ignorance from pals.

Thought may be reading books will help me to grow but it only helped me to know the use of dictionary.

Saw many movies to know more and more people of the world but found people still don’t know me.

People forced me to feel that am wrong which only made me feel that am different.

No matter what and how I tried but failed to become the one……people prefer from all.

Was never ready to accept the truth of failures but will it really help me now to see the path of success?

Today when I stand and look back I see only people walking ahead and I can see their back from far.

So am I the one who is left behind by the world.

Its dark night…..with the tears of God in the name of rain…..and one overcoat with the same black umbrella. This is all what I have from my little life……….

Where am I ? what did I do? And what do I do now????


  1. very few people can bring tears to your eyes with simple write ups........keep writing such truthful blogs which touches our heart.......keep the gud work going.........
    Lots of love

  2. i have no words...its wonderful..touched my heart..i never knew u cud write up your feelings so wonderfully....but keep up n want to see more of ur writeups...lovely..:)

  3. I too have no words. Its' simply marvellous and i am going to promote your blog like anything.hee..
